The University of Seville, together with the Seville Festival of European Cinema, calls for applications to the XIII European Film Contest “University of Seville” 2020, in the field of screenplay, subject to the following submission rules:

  1. Participants

In order to participate in this contest, the participants must meet at least one of these requirements:

– Being a student enrolled for the academic year 2019/2020 at any European university in any studies leading to an official degree.

– Having successfully obtained a university degree in the year 2011/2012 and subsequent years.

– Having born after the 1st January 1980 who has not released a commercial film yet.

Participants will make an affidavit stating that they meet one of the three requirements established in this clause, committing themselves to documenting these points if they are the winners, being able to justify it with the convenient documents if declared winner.

Those contestants  awarded in previous calls are excluded.

  1. Short films screenplays

Each participant may submit only one screenplay per category (fiction or non-fiction) destined to the realization of a short film not longer than 30 minutes, unpublished and not previously used in any films by the submission date. Likewise, the screenplay cannot have been awarded in other contests, neither at the submission date nor at the prize-giving day.

The screenplays can be original or adapted. In this latter case, the participant must own the adaptation rights from the original work, if it is not passed into public domain.

Participants must state that they are the original authors and own the whole copyrights by the submission date.

  1. Contents

Every participant shall provide the following information:

– Synopsis of the script.

– Final screenplay.

– Screenplay treatment (one page maximum per three of the final screenplay).

– Author’s CV.

Participants can include, if appropriate, more documents such as motivational/direction statements, etc.

  1. Projects submission

The projects must be submitted in digital format through the CICUS (Cultural Initiatives Centre of the University of Seville) website (you can clic here). The general registry of the University of Seville will not accept printed projects.

The participants could submit their projects until September 30th, 2020 (11:59 PM Central European Time).

Once the winners are known, they must prove that they fulfil the requirements described in the clauses 1 and 2 above.

  1. Prizes

The institution establishes two prizes:

– EUR 1,500.00 for a fiction short film screenplay.

– EUR 1,500.00 for a non-fiction short film screenplay.

Both prizes are subject to taxes by Spanish law. To this end, the following retentions have been allowed: the organic/functional/economic -451-482 section of the University of Seville budget will be charged with EUR 3.000.00 for the tax year 2020.

  1. Production of the short film and release as part of the Seville Festival of European Cinema and the CICUS programme

The awarding of the prize does not entail obligation to make the film  object of the project. However, If the filming comes into being, the Seville Festival of European Cinema commits itself to contact with the final authors (short film based on the winner screenplay) in order to study the benefits and possibilities of including it in a future edition of the festival.

Finally, if the short film is actually shot, the winner undertakes to include a mention of the award and the logos provided by the University of Seville and the Seville European Film Festival in all the documentation and media produced for the purpose of applying for grants, presentation at pitching events or other professional forums, and for the final execution of the short film, which in this case must be included in the initial credits and in all the promotional elements:


  • Mention Fiction Script Award: 13th European Film Award for the Best Fiction Script University of Seville 2020 + University of Seville Logo and Seville Festival Logo.


  • Mention Non-Fiction Script Award: 13th European Film Award for Best Non-Fiction Film Script University of Seville 2020 + University of Seville Logo and Seville Festival Logo.


  1. Jury

The jury will be chaired by the University of Seville General Director of Culture and Heritage, acting under powers delegated from the rector, and composed by outstanding personalities in the field of cinematography, appointed by the University of Seville in consultation with the Seville Festival of European Cinema.

The General Direction of Culture and Heritage may designate a commission responsible for the previous selection of works.

The jury can declare the prizes null and void as well as give an accessit without a monetary prize. The decision of the jury shall be final and is not subject to appeal.

  1. Language

The screenplays can be submitted in Spanish or English.

  1. Authorization for use of imagen and disclosure of private information

The information provided by the participant will be included in a file property of the University of Seville, which manages the services from the CICUS. They will be used as well for the European Film Contest “University of Seville”. Their full names presented to the contest will only be shared with the jury members for that sole purpose.

In compliance with the Organic Act 1/1982, of May the5th , which guarantees the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one’s own image, along with the General Data Protection Regulation, the participant expressly authorises the University to publish its full name, origin, nationality and a photography, if declared winner.


The Rector

Miguel Ángel Castro Arroyo



APPLY HERE as of 15/09/2020