The 29th Literary Contest Of Hispanic Letters Of The University Of Seville “RAFAEL THE COZAR”, year 2023, in three modalities of novel, poetry and theatre, is announced, subject to the following


1. Addressees

Participation in this contest is open to authors, writers or any interested person, of any country or nationality, over the age of 18, as long as they submit their work in Spanish.

Participants who have won the award in previous calls (in any category) are excluded.

2. Works

Each participant may submit only one work per category (poetry, drama and novel) written in Spanish, original and unpublished in Spanish, which may not have been awarded a prize in other competitions either at the time of the submission or the awarding of the prize and with the length specified in term 3 for each of the three categories.

The fact of being eligible for this prize will imply, on the part of the participant, his guarantee his exclusive authorship of the submitted work, which can not be a copy or modification of any other work and that is rigorously unpublished (being considered as published if it is or has been available on the Internet), as well as that he/she has not entered into any commitment with a third party regarding the rights third party on the rights of said work, declaring, furthermore, that the work is not being entered simultaneously for any other prize and that has not been awarded a prize in any other competition.

3. Length of the works

The length of the works, for each of the three categories, will be as follows:

  • Novel: between approximately 25,000 and 37,500 words (equivalent to 75/125 pages), written in order and doubled-spaced.
  • Poetry: between 300 and 6000 verses approximately.
  • Drama: no more than 90 minutes of stage time.

4. Submission of applications

Applications must be submitted through one of the two means listed below.

Those not submitted by either of these means will be EXCLUDED:

  • Through the Registry of the University of Seville
  • Online (Digital Certificate of the FNMT-RCM or electronic DNI required), through the procedure “Presentación de instancias y solicitudes. Modelo Genérico” (Submission of applications and requests. Generic form) available at the Sede Electrónica (Electronic Headquarters) of the University of Seville, through the following link: https://rec.redsara.es/registro/action/are/acceso.do

In this case, the following text must be explicitly included in the SOLICITA (Application) section of the generic application form:

“Que se le admita el formulario de participación en la convocatoria del XIX Certamen Europeo de Letras Hispánicas de la Universidad de Sevilla (Año 2023)”, cuya documentación será aportada telemáticamente a través de la página web del CICUS, declarando bajo su responsabilidad que son

ciertos todos los datos y declaraciones que se incorporan en los mismos”.

  • On-site at the Registro General of the University of Seville through the Registry Assistance Offices located at C/San Fernando, 4 (Rectorado) or Paseo de las Delicias, unnumbered (Pabellón de Brasil). In this case, if you choose to submit your application on-site at the Registro General, in accordance with the given instructions, access to the Registry Assistance Offices, located in the Rectorate Building and the Brazil Pavilion, must be requested by appointment, which may be done through the following link: https://institucional.us.es/cprevias/index.php?ce=907and by submitting the generic application form.

4.2 In any of the other established means in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, dated October 1st on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, that is to say:

  • At post offices (Correos), by the means established by regulation.
  • At Spanish diplomatic representations or consular offices abroad.

All applications submitted by any of these two established means shall be addressed to Registro de la Universidad de Sevilla, C/ San Fernando nº 4, 41004 Sevilla.

Deadline for applications: the application period will be open from the date on which this call is published until May31st, 2023.

Required documentation: The participant must provide the following documents on the website http://cicus.us.es by registering on the website:

  • Proof of submitting the application through one of the means established in terms 4.1 and 4.2
  • The words, in any of the categories (novel, poetry or drama) must be summitted in electronic format (PDF format, no other format is allowed), without illustrations or any other content than the text itself, and exclusively through the CICUS website (http://cicus.us.es), where a form will be provided to fill the necessary personal data for the submission and the presentation, as well as the uploading of the file containing the work itself.


5. Prizes

The prizes included in this call will be subject to the provisions of the Law 38/2003, dated November 17th, General Subsidies Act, as the prizes are awarded upon application by the beneficiary.

The following prizes are established:

For novels, a single prize of four thousand euros (4,000.00€), plus the publication of a first edition of the winning work.

For poetry, a single prize of two thousand euros (2,000.00€), plus the publication of a first edition of the winning work.

For drama, a single prize of one thousand five hundred euros (1,500.00€), plus the publication of a first edition of the winning play.

The University of Seville reserves the right to stage the play for a period of two years, counted from the date of the award, for which the author will grant exclusive rights to the play for this period of time, the author will be realeased from the cession of the right (and therefore also for its exclusivity) if, the University of Seville has not premiered the work or, if prior to this period, the University of Seville informs the author with a written notification the intention to not exercise this right.

The aforementioned amounts will be subject to the withholding of taxes in accordance with the law.

6. Publication of the winning works

The winning works will be published by the publishing houses that are awarded the prizes, where appropriate, the public competition to be announced for this purpose, with a print run of between seven hundred and one thousand copies and national circulation.

In order to proceed with the publication of the works, the winning authors will have to sign the appropriate publishing contract with the winning publishers. To this end, and by participating in the competition, the authors cede, in the event of winning, the necessary rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, on an exclusive basis and with the possibility of transfer to third parties, in order to third parties to proceed to a first edition of the same and for the maximum number of copies specified in this clause.

7. Destruction of the works submitted

After a period of SIX months from the awarding of the prize, the University of Seville will destroy all of the computing files submitted to the competition, as well as the paper copies that, where appropriate, may have been made at the request of the jury for the sole purpose of facilitating their reading by the jury.

However, if the filling of an administrative or contentious-administrative appeal makes it necessary, the University of Seville will keep the computing files until the relevant administrative or judicial decision is final.

The University of Seville will not maintain correspondence with the authors of the works submitted, nor will it make any use of them other than the contemplated in this resolution.

8. Jury

The jury for each of the three categories will be chaired by the Director General of Culture and Heritage, by express delegation of the Rector and will be made up of personalities of recognised prestige in the field covered by this prize. One of the members of the jury may be appointed at the proposal of the publishing house that wins the public tender for the public tendering procedure held for this purpose for each category.

In view of the number of works submitted and at the proposal of the jury, the Directorate-General of Culture and Heritage of the University of Seville may entrust a commission or a person of recognised prestige to carry out a pre-evaluation and a pre-selection of the works presented, for each modality.

The jury may declare the prize void in any of the categories. Likewise, the jury may award a runner-up prize with no financial award.

9. Budget availability

In accordance with Article 46 of Law 47/2003, of November 26th, General Budgetary Law, this call for applications is subject to the effective appropriation in the budget of the University of Seville for 2023. To this end, the corresponding withholding of credit has been made against the organic/functional/economic application of the budget of the University of Seville for the financial year 2023, for an amount of 7,500.00€, which is attached to the file.

10. Authorization for image use and disclosure of Data

In accordance with Organic Law 1/1982 of May 5th on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honor and Family and Personal Image, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation, and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5th on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the participants expressly authorize the University, if awarded, to publish their full name, as well as the name of the works submitted.

Likewise, participants give their consent, if selected, to provide the media their telephone number and/or email address, if asked to, so that they can contact them, but in no case may such personal data be published.

In application of the regulations on personal data protection (RGPD EU 2016/679 and LOPDyGDD 3/2018), participants are informed that the University of Seville is responsible for the present handling, Promotional Activities of the Cultural Initiatives Center, which aims to process and manage the use of the various services offered by the Cultural Initiatives Center of the University of Seville. The handling is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority vested in the controller; for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party. Likewise, it is legitimized by the express consent of the interested party, if applicable.

In accordance with the aforementioned rules, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, as well as other rights that you can consult, together with additional detailed information, by clicking this link https://cicus.us.es/protecciondatos.


11. Appeals

In accordance with article 123 and following of Law 39/2015, of October 1st, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, both this call, which puts an end to the administrative channel, and the administrative acts deriving from it and from the actions of the jury, may be challenged by means of an appeal for reconsideration within one month, counted from the day following its publication, or by filing a contentious-administrative appeal within two months, counted from the day following the day of the publication or notification challenged in accordance with art. 46.1 of the Law on Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.


In Seville, as of the date of the signature.


Fdo.: Miguel Ángel Castro Arroyo