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Self-protection plan for the CICUS building

The Self-Protection Plan for the CICUS building is a document prepared by the Quality Control and Legislative Applications Unit of the Vice-Rectorate for Infrastructures of the University of Seville ( Quality Control and Legislative Applications Unit of Vice-rectorate of Infrastructure of the University of Seville), whose purpose is to establish a system of actions and measures aimed at preventing and controlling risks to people and property, providing an adequate response to possible emergency situations and guaranteeing the integration of these actions with the public civil protection syste

All users of the building should be aware of the Self-Protection Plan; especially those who have to work in the building (civil servants and employees of the University itself, cleaning contractors and other services, artists, trainers who teach workshops, external technical staff, etc.)

There are abbreviated documents (leaflets) that are available to the public on paper at the concierge's office of the building.

Plan de autoprotección del edificio CICUS

CICUS building computer triptych

Adenda Directorio del Plan actualizado 2025

CICUS AUDITORIUM. Information and basic rules of action in case of emergency.


Location and access to the building at C/Madre de Dios 1. CLICK TO GET THE FULL-SIZE PLAN (A4)


Evacuation plan. Low floor plan. CLICK TO OBTAIN THE FULL SIZE PLAN (A4)
Evacuation plan. First Floor. CLICK TO OBTAIN THE FULL SIZE PLAN (A4)


Evacuation plan. Second floor. CLICK TO OBTAIN THE FULL SIZE PLAN (A4)