Muestra de cine polaco
PREGI (Marcas)
(Magdalena Piekorz, Polonia 2004, 91 min., v.o.s.e.)
Men touch each other with blows. An energetic duo about masculine construction. A deconstruction of the contemporary virile behaviour, acclaimed by some and questioned by many. CLINCH in boxing is the moment in which the two boxers hug and block each other until the referee separates them. This movement is about getting as close as possible to your rival to protect yourself from their attack. CLINCH exposes the most toxic masculinity, established in the competition, the denial and the confrontation to all that is different. Furthermore, the denial of feelings, excluding rage or fury, that must be demonstrated through the exercise of violence.
El protagonista es Wojciech, un hombre de 30 años, ambicioso e independiente, aislado del mundo y de la gente. Su vida transcurre explorando cuevas y escribiendo
artículos para periódicos. Ante los ojos de sus coetáneos, compañeros del campamento base, es fuerte, cínico y no admite compromisos, pero en el fondo es un hombre sensible que está huyendo.