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The University of Seville, in collaboration with the Seville European Film Festival, opens the call for the 15th “Universidad de Sevilla” EUROPEAN FILM AWARD – FILM SCRIPT, 2022 edition, in the film script modality, according to the following


1. Objet

The convening institution intends to promote and encourage cinematographic activities to through this award, within the support of the cultural initiatives of the General Directorate of Culture and Heritage of the University of Seville.

2. Participants

Participation in this contest is open to anyone who meets at least one of the following three requirements:

  • Students enrolled in the 2021/2022 school year in any of the European universities pursuing studies leading to an official university degree.
  • Those who have completed their studies in the 2012/2013 school year or later in one of these universities.
  • Those born after January 1st, 1981 who have not yet released a feature film in commercial theaters.

Contestants will present an affidavit swearing to meet one of the three requirements stated in this clause committing to provide written justification of so in case of winning.

Those that have been awarded in any modality in previous calls are excluded.

The fact of participating in this award impliesthe acceptance by the participants ofall terms and conditionsof the award and the decisions adopted by the Jury. The failure to comply with the rules will mean the exclusion of the participation rightsand the cancellation of the awarding by the University of Seville, where appropriate.

3. Short film scripts

Each participant may submit only one script per modality (fiction or nonfiction) conceived for the making of a film not longer than 30 minutes, unpublished and that has not been filmed at the date of submitting. Scripts may be original or adaptations, and in the latter case, the contestant must own the adaptation rights of the original work if it is not in the public domain.

Contestants will present an affidavit swearing to be the authors of the work and that they own all the exploitation rights of the same at the date of submission to the contest.

Content of the submissions

In order to participate in the contest, contestants may submit

  • Summary of the plot of the script.
  • Final script.
  • Script treatment (not longer than 1 pageper every 3 pages of the final script).
  • Author CV.
  • Contestants may attach, if wanted, other extra documents, such as motivation/direction records, etc.

5. Project submitting

Works must be submitted in digital format (.doc, .pdf., .rtf or .odt format; other formats are not allowed), without illustrations or any other content different from the text itself, through the web page of the Centro de Iniciativas Culturales de la Universidad de Sevilla (http://www.cicus.us.es), where a form will be available to provide the personal data necessary for the submission as well as the uploading of the file containing the work itself.

Once the prize has been awarded and communicated, the winners will be obliged to justify that they meet the conditions stipulated in sections 1 and 2 of this call. Applications will be completed online and will be processed electronically through the website http://cicus.us.es  following the instructions indicated, within the established deadlines. Once the application has been completed, it must be presented in the Registry of the University of Seville through any of the following forms:

• Electronically (requires digital certificate from the FNMT or electronic identification document), through theprocedure “Presentation of instances and requests. Generic model”available atElectronic Headquarters of the University of Seville, through the following link: https://rec.redsara.es/registro/action/are/acceso.doIn this case, in the sectionREQUEST from the generic Instance, the following text must be expressly included:“that the application submitted be admitted in the call for the XV European Prize forCinema- Script- Cinematographic of the University of Seville (Year 2022), whose documentation already has been provided electronically through the CICUS website, declaring under myr esponsibility that all the data and statements incorporated are true”.

• In person, at the General Registry of the University of Seville through theRegisters Assistance Offices located at C / San Fernando, 4 (Rectorado) or at Paseo de las Delicias, s/n (Brazil Pavilion.Access to the Assistance Offices for Registration, located in the Rectorate Building and the Brazil Pavilion, will be only by appointment through the following link: https://institucional.us.es/cprevias/index.php?ce=907

• In any of the other forms established in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of 1O ctober, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, that is:- At the Post Office, in the manner established by law.- In the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad. Any application will be excluded after the deadline or if has not been submitted byany of the aforementioned registration channels. Application submission deadline: the application period will be permanently open from the publication of this call until September 15, 2022.

6. Prizes

Prizes are as follows:

  • € 1,500.00 for a short film script in the fiction modality.
  • € 1,500.00 for a short film script in the nonfiction modality.

Tax withholdings will be made on the aforementioned amounts in accordance with the law. To this end, the according credit with holding of €3,000.00 has been made against the organic/functional/economic budget of the budget of the University of Seville for the fiscal year 2022.

7. Short film making. Screening of the film within the Seville European Film Festival and within the schedule of the CICUS.

The awarding of the prize does not entail the making of the short film.

However, in the event of the actual shooting of the short film, the winner will grant the screening rights needed for at least one screening at the Center of Cultural Initiatives of the University of Seville (CICUS). Likewise, the Seville European Film Festival agrees to discuss with the authors of the final work (short film shooted based on the awarded script) to consider the possibilities and benefits of including the screening of the aforementioned film in the schedule of a future edition of the Festival.

Lastly, in the event of the actual shooting of the short film, the winner agrees to include a mention of the award and the logos provided by the University of Seville and the Seville European Film Festival in all documentation and media used to apply for grants, presentation at pitching sessions or other professional forums, as well as for the final execution of the short film, and in this case, they must be included in the opening credits and in all promotional elements:

  • Fiction Script Award Modality: 15th European Film Award to the Best Fiction Film Script University of Seville 2022 + University of Seville Logo and Seville Festival Logo.
  • Nonfiction Script Award Modality: 15th European Film Award to Best Film Script University of Seville 2022 + University of Seville Logo and Seville Festival Logo.

8. Destruction of submitted works

After a period of 6 months from the award ceremony, the University of Seville will destroy all the files submitted to the call, as well as the paper copies that, if applicable, may have been made at the request of the jury for the sole purpose of facilitating their reading.

However, if the filing of an administrative or contentious-administrative recourse so requires, the University of Seville will keep the files until the corresponding administrative or judicial resolution is final.

The University of Seville will not correspond with the authors regarding the works submitted, nor will it make any use of them other than that contemplated in this resolution.

9. Jury

The jury will be chaired by the general director of Culture and Heritage, by express delegation of the rector, and will be made up of personalities of recognized prestige in the film field appointed by both the University of Seville and the Seville European Film Festival.

Depending on the number of submitted works, and if the jury proposes it, the University of Seville may commission an early selection of the works. The members of said commission will receive the works without any indication of their authorship and, in any case, must sign the corresponding confidentiality agreement.

The jury’s decision will be final and may declare the prize void in any of the categories. The jury may also award a runner-up prize with no monetary award.

10. Language

Scripts must be submitted either in Spanish or English.

11. Authorization for image use and data transfer

In accordance with Organic Law 1/1982 of May 5, 1982 on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honor and Family and Personal Image, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation, and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the participants expressly authorize the University, if awarded, to publish their full name, as well as the name of the works submitted. Likewise, participants give their consent, if selected, to provide the media their telephone number and/or email address, if asked to, so that they can contact them, but in no case may such personal data be published.

In application of the regulations on personal data protection (RGPD EU 2016/679 and LOPDyGDD 3/2018), participants are informed that the University of Seville is responsible for the present handling, Promotional Activities of the Cultural Initiatives Center, which aims to process and manage the use of the various services offered by the Cultural Initiatives Center of the University of Seville. The handling is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority vested in the controller; for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party. Likewise, it is legitimized by the express consent of the interested party, if applicable.

In accordance with the aforementioned rules, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, as well as other rights that you can consult, together with additional detailed information, by clicking this link https://cicus.us.es/protecciondatos


12. Appeals

In accordance with article 123 and following of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, both this call, which puts an end to the administrative channel, and the administrative acts deriving from it and from the actions of the jury, may be challenged by means of an appeal for reconsideration within one month, counted from the day following its publication, or by filing a contentious-administrative appeal within two months, counted from the day following the day of the publication or notification challenged in accordance with art. 46.1 of the Law on Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.

In Seville, November 9th, 2021
Miguel Ángel Castro Arroyo



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